Part of the appeal of using disposable liners is the fact that they make nappy changes and washing easier. They are designed to catch the poo while letting liquid seep quickly through to the absorbent part of the nappy so you can simply pull the liner off the nappy and throw it away.
Many disposable nappy liners, and certainly all those that we stock, are biodegradable and will break down in a matter of weeks generally being made out of either paper or bamboo. The fact that they are plastic-free and will naturally break down means that many have been labelled as flushable in the past.
Being able to flush the liner with the poo certainly makes life easier if you are changing a nappy in the bathroom. However, it has been noted that many sewerage systems are not able to cope with liners and that they may cause blockages.
They don’t break down nearly as quickly as toilet paper as you will know if you have ever accidentally left one in a nappy and put it through the wash.
Unlike when you leave a tissue in your pocket a disposable liner pretty much stays intact. This means they are now not generally labelled as flushable and care should be taken if you know you live in an area that has old drains.
Instead of flushing the better option is to bag and bin dirty nappy liners in much the same way you would a disposable nappy.
If you do decide to flush your nappy liners make sure you only flush them one at a time. You should only use them one at a time anyway and make sure you don’t fold them as this will stop the liquid from being able to absorb as quickly and could lead to leaks.
It is also worth noting that wet only wipes can go in the compost which will dramatically reduce the number of liners that end up either in landfill or being flushed down the toilet.
Alternatives to Flushing Disposable Nappy Liners
For some people flushing wipes might not be an issue but for others, it will be. And while most people will be happy with composting wet-only wipes you can’t compost poo and so these will invariably end up in landfill if they don’t end up down the toilets.
The alternative to disposable liners is to opt for reusable nappy liners. These are slightly thicker than disposable liners but serve the same purpose, although they are arguably better at keeping baby bottoms dry, especially important at night when the nappy is on for a long time.
Of course, because they are reusable you don’t need to dispose of your reusable nappy liners, you simply flick, scrape or sluice off the poo if they are soiled, and pop them in the washing machine with the rest of your nappies.
The other benefit of using reusable liners is the cost. Disposable liners cost around £4 for a 100 meaning they will cost far more than washing reusable ones so they are great for saving a few extra pennies.
Take Aways
•Disposable nappy liners are biodegradable, plastic-free, and flushable.
• However, many sewerage systems are not able to cope with liners, and they may cause blockages.
• It is better to bag and bin dirty nappy liners instead of flushing them.
• If you do decide to flush your nappy liners make sure you only flush them one at a time.
• Alternatives to flushing disposable nappy liner include opting for reusable ones which can be sluiced off or put in the washing machine if soiled.